Needle or No?
In its October-edition Viva Beauty Magazine (NZ Herald) comments on the various botox-like options and the alternative of needle-free treatments:
Serums and substances that offer instant effects as well as gradual ones are gaining ground. They might claim to mimic Botox, but this is putting too fine a point on it. However, they are an option that technology is making more tempting.
Topical wrinkle-filler products and those that temporarily tighten skin appeal to the needle adverse. Among those reported in the UK press as having tried Biotulin Supreme Skin Gel have been Kate Middleton, Karl Lagerfeld and Michelle Obama. The German made product, a transparent, fragrance-free organic gel, is new here and acts to relax -not freeze- frown and wrinkle lines with plant extract.
It costs NZD 109, see .